Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Obama is speaking now. There is a messianic quality about him. His cadence is that of a preacher. He is uplifting. His supporters are now chanting USA.

Say what you want about Obama, but the guy can speak. "Yes He Can!"

EDITED TO ADD -- He seems to be supporting the Zubrin plan on energy. He says he wants to support among other things wind power. I wonder if he will ask Senator Kennedy about the Cape Wind Project.


Dominik Hennig said...

Yes, he can!

Rodak said...

To paraphrase an old saying my grandmother used on me more than once:

If speeches were horses, we all could ride.

Anthony said...

Dominik -- Wenn ich höre "Yes We Can", ich denke "Bob the Builder" (Ich habe zwei Kinder)

Rodak -- good saying.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rodak's grandmother, but Anthony, I'm assuming it must be a lawyer thing on your part. I hate to break it to you, Obama is a so-so speaker when it comes to the African-American ear. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Paul Robeson, Louis Farrakhan, Ossie Davis and ... Obama? Naaah, not even close ...

I think you're having law school flashbacks, as Obama's rhetoric is exciting only in a "Paper Chase-ish" sort of way. Yeah, I'd sit up during one of his Constitutional Law lectures. I'm sure he would be a lot more interesting than Laurence Tribe ...

Anthony said...

MS -- maybe a lkawyer thing (you are still waiting for me to blog about law, aren't you). Or maybe a Catholic thing, few Catholic priests can preach a good sermon.

I did not go to Harvard, so I cannot comment about Tribe, but my con law professor keeps getting alled up to West Point to speak on national security law issues.

Rodak said...

Obama is a so-so speaker when it comes to the African-American ear.

You mean Obama is to MLK as Pat Paulsen is to Bill Clinton?