Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Pledges and Promises to the President

Now that President Obama is sworn in, how should conservatives act? I have posted about this previously. I obviously think that we need to be adult about it. By the same token, we should not roll over and die.

Someone named Andy Levy, who I admit I never heard of before, set forth a list of "Don'ts" for conservatives in the Age of Obama that should be required reading for all on the right.

And after looking at the celebrity pledge*, I decide I too would make a list of pledges to President Obama.
  • I pledge I will be adult and principled. If you propose something I can agree with, I will support it. If you propose something I disagree with, I will oppose it but based on principles, not narrow partisanship.

  • I pledge that I will ignore every silly conspiracy theory regarding you (including but not limited to, theories that you were born in Kenya, that Malcom X was your father (yes, someone is actually claiming that), that you are a secret Muslim, and any other crazy theory that ends up in my e-mail in box).

  • I pledge that I will not engage in "assassination porn."

  • When you prepare to send troops in harm's way,** I pledge I will look at the evidence with dispassion.

  • If Congress approves sending troops into harms way based on "conventional wisdom", even if I opposed it, I pledge I will not accuse you of lying.

  • If you send troops into harms way, even if I opposed it, I pledge I will support victory. I know that the quickest way to get the troops home is through winning. I also believe that once American arms have been engaged, places where we were successful*** are generally better off than places where we were not.****

  • On the off chance that you and I ever meet, I pledge that I will be respectful, even though I may ask you a question that you find "hard." Please note that I am not being disrespectful, I just have a question.

In short, I promise not to act for the next 4-8 years like those on the unhinged left acted for the past 8. I also promise to chasten those on the right who act unhinged.

I also promise not to be your servant. You are mine. I promise not to make you forget that.

I also promise to pray for you.

* Some friends and my wife objected to my description of the video as creepy. If you watch it without feeling the same way, no matter your politics, you have a stronger stomach than I do.

** And you will. The last president not to send troops into harm's way was, I believe, Herbert Hoover, but even he inherited a few occupations.

*** For example, Western Europe, the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Grenada, Panama, the Balkans.

**** For example, Vietnam, Cambodia, Lebanon.


Rodak said...

On the off chance that you and I ever meet, I pledge that I will be respectful, even though I may ask you a question that you find "hard."

Look who's campaigning to replace Joe the Plumber with Tony the Lawyer! LoL!

Rodak said...

If Congress approves sending troops into harms way based on "conventional wisdom", even if I opposed it, I pledge I will not accuse you of lying.

I can't go along with this one. If Obama lies to get the approval of congress to send troops into harm's way, he should be called on it. I will certainly be coming down on him with both feet.
Lyndon Johnson was a liberal, but once the lie upon which sending combat troops into Vietnam was based came to light, nobody hit him harder on it than his fellow liberals.

Rodak said...

That said, excellent posts, Anthony! Kudos!

Anthony said...

>Look who's campaigning to replace Joe the Plumber with Tony the Lawyer! LoL!

Hey -- Joe parlayed his 15 minutes of fame into some semi-permanent gigs. Why not -- it is the American way!